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Highlands Falls Community Association Contacts


Jennifer Royce, CMCA - Community Manager Email Me
Jay Finley - Assistant Manager Email Me
Kristie Schandolph - Security Facilitator/Administrative Assistant/Email Me

Environmental, Inc. - Operator Responsible for Water and Wastewater Facilities


Kristie Schandolph - Facilitator/Guard

Apryl Reese - Security Guard
April Runion - Security Guard
Joey Green
 - Security Guard
Kathleen Cabe - Security Guard

Leslie Dryman - Security Guard

Stacy Riley - Security Guard


91 Falls Drive West, Highlands, NC 28741

HFCA Phone: 828-526-2203

FAX: 828-526-9751

Security: 828-526-4161


Roger Baty - General Maintenance & Utilities Manager
Josh Cowart- Roads Maintenance/Facilities Assistant

Andres Moreno - Assistant Roads, Utilities & Landscape Supervisor

Alberto Moreno - Roads & Landscape
Oscar Mercer- Roads & Landscape

Ethan Whitworth- Roads & Landscape

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  • Provide a safe environment that respects and protects our natural resources.


  • Establish a willing and active attitude to suggestions, concerns and input of our Members.


  • Adopt realistic budgets that achieve the level and professionalism of service demanded and expected by our Members, yet looking to the future in order to plan for the necessary funding to maintain and provide for future needs as they may arise.


  • Our Mission is to provide services to our members to protect and enhance the property values in the Highlands Falls community.​


  • Strive to be sure that our actions are a commitment toward making our Member's stay a pleasant and rewarding atmosphere for their enjoyment and comfort yet staying within our rules and guidelines for the greater benefit of all Members.

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